We were in centro running a few errands, getting our hair cut and a bite of lunch. As we were walking down to the bank, what did we pass but a Bazaar and this one was the "mother load"!:) Remember a while back I told you that here thrift stores really don't exist. But oh my I'm sure I fell down the rabbit hole and died and gone to Junkin Heaven!! You know the kind where every available surface is packed with this and that and nothing goes together? I was like a kid in Willy Wonka's factory... Oh look, oh and look over there, and this is cool, but that's even cooler. Out of the corner of my eye I could see both LW and the owner rolling their eyes and shaking their heads :) You know LW is so patient and has earned his wings many times over!!He never complains and he never yells even when I do the "OH MY GOD STOP!! Stop right now" thing. ;)
I was feeling pretty proud of myself cuz I only had 2 funky spoons and an old ladle in my hands and tucked under my arn was this old text book with the most perfect yellowed pages.
Oh and look this little stamp says in Spanish the book belongs to Jaime. Then I reach the back of the store. You know were all the really coolish stuff is crammed? :) At first I thought it was an old "be still my heart" beat up crown. Cuz crowns are on my got to have list along with a dress maker dumm..er form :) But after I dug it out and pulled it up I discovered it was an old brass and glass out door lantern, that's about 2 ft in lenth Ohhhh soooo cool just the perfect amount of rust and green patina. And the good thing is there are only 3 little panes of glass missing :)yippee:) LW promised to take it to the glass store down the street and have the new panes cut!! Now the decision is do I ask LW to wire it for a light bulb or do I go with the awesome glow only a candle can give?? What do you guys think??
Please stay safe my fellow Bloglandians if you are out there in all the New Years Eve craziness. I hope all of you have the most audacious 2009 filled will all of the wonderful memories you can pack in. ;)
Wire it! Candles are lovely but save them for something else, you will want to have that lovely lantern lighted every night! Don't forget you can paint a low-wattage "flame shaped" lightbulb (standard sized bottom) with colored Sharpies or thinned acrylic paint and it will look so similar to a candle's glow -- or have it wired with a socket that fits the candelabra-sized bulbs and get a "flicker" bulb -- JUST like a candle!
Have a lovely 2009!
i would try to get it wired too! it looks AWESOME!! GREAT find!! HAPPY NEW YEAR! :D
Personally I say candles, can't beat the romance! You have a delightful blog, a true testiment to life below the borders!
Prospero Año Nuevo!
What a wonderful lamp you found!!! Either way you go will be great...but those spoons!! Cant wait to see what you do with them!! Have fun (love to know why you deleted a comment earlier.lol) Have a good one. I've got something new to share tomorrow!! (or tonight if I can't wait.lol).laurie
Oh my word...I would have gone dotty bonkers in that place! You really hit the jackpot.
Ohhhhh, I know just the celebration you were talking about with the frou-frou dresses...Quinceneara! They have some of these frou-frou dresses on EBay but they want a bit too much for them. Best thing about the pink one I have now is that is was $5.00 at the Goodwill store!
I am worn out so I am off to my nest to get some beauty sleep!
Oh, great loot. I love silver and old books! I'm thinking you should wire the light too, it's awesome.I love it when you can find something like that and fix it up and use it.
Have a great New Year.
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