Thanksgiving this year is just be LW and I. There are a number of restaurants here in town that will be serving "real turkey" dinners Hmmm what would a not real turkey look like I wonder. Tofu or spam shaped in the form af a turkey??? :c) Hey don't laugh I've actually seen both (euuuu to both) But some how the thought of going out doesn't sound as cosy as having dinner here. I'll dress up the patio, light a few candles and we'll be secluded in our own little romantic bistro!
Turkey is not so easy to find here. There will be some in the stores in anticipation of Christmas but most of them are smoked. We can find frozen turkeys at SAMs, they are brought in for the US expats. But they are generally big and roasting anything in our ovens is always exciting. We don't have a way of setting temp. nor is there a way to keep the oven at a constant temp. I don't know if most of you guys are familiar with the wooden spoon method of temperature regulation. You know when you prop the door open with the spoon more to lower the temp, less to raise it?? :c) Yep that's the hi tech method we employ here. Ovens are really not used here. In fact if you open the oven door in most Mexican kitchens, you are likely to see where the large pans are stored :c)
So tomorrow morning LW and I will head off to the market to look up our favorite butcher and have him cut us a nice 2-3 rib roast, Yum !!! That should be plenty for dinner and left overs on Friday for hot roast beef sandwiches. Yeah I know it's not a turkey sandwich but darn if it isn't a close second :c).
So my Bloglandian family have a wonderful day or evening depending on what part of the world you are in :c)
Hi Pattie
I have nominated you for an award - check out our blog for the details!
Hi Pattie. Just wanted to wish you and yours, a Happy Thanksgiving.
First off,Thanks for stopping in to say hello at my blog,secondly YOUR grandson is beautiful,and thirdly..no Turkey lurkey? I am cooking a biggie..so you two just come on over,I will add two more plates! Although to have a cozy dinner on the patio would be wonderful..to cold here near Chicago for that! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving,and please visit me again soon!
Hi Pattie and Happy Birdie Day!
Thank you so much for stopping by my Blog and your lovely comments. Your new grandson is adorable! I have really enjoyed your Blog this morning and where you live looks like a little piece of paradise.
I promise to come visit you again soon and you must come back and have some Apple Blossom tea with me.
You, LW and the Fur Babies have a fabulous day :)
Good Morning Pattie and Happy Thanksgiving to you and LW!! I have had orders flying in for my spoon ornaments...I just got one last night for 9 one for each of the grandchildren. Between painting, getting 4 townhouses cleaned and painted and rerented I haven't taken the time to blog. Stacey is going with me to San Jose/San Fransisco in Jan. so I'm taking this opportunity to sell my "wares" to pay for her flight. It was so nice to catch up on your blog. The sun is out today..that makes it a good day! Take care, I'll be in touch real soon. Laurie
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