All over Bloglandia everyone is "happy, excited, can't wait, in the mood" for Christmas. But I have to admit that this little Bloglandian is none of the above :c(
This is just so unlike me. Ask my kids, I'll bet they would love to tell you stories about their mother's Christmas brainstorms. Mette my first born and only daughter was always sucked into being my co-conspirator :c). It started after her 2nd birthday. That year we found those stained glass ornament kits. Remember the ones where you had a bunch of tiny plastic beads that you filled in the "glass' part of the plastic lead frames? Then you stuck them in the oven so the beads melted and WOW you had stained glass ornaments. Although Mette like her mom never has been one to color in the lines sooooo those were some funky looking stained glass!! :c)
Maybe part of the reason for this bit of a funk I'm in is because it's in the 80s here. We also haven't had a drop of rain for 2 months so things are drying up, turning brown and beginning to get the orange dust coating of the red dirt here. It certainly isn't because the stores haven't been advertising since early Oct!! However beyond the commercialization of the Holiday the Mexican culture doesn't do a lot of decorating for the holiday. You don't hear carols on the radio, you don't see huge Christmas tree stands going in on every corner, and for the most part house decorations are minimal.
So here I sit trying to find a bit of spark to light even just a bitty fire under me. I've been visiting blogs, planning the tree and other decorating, I told Dulce that Saturday we'd put up the tree when she was done cleaning. There just isn't anyone I can think of around here that wants to have a Christmas crafting day. So I think what I'll do is ask my little friend Hannah (my cute 9 year old crafting buddie) over on Sunday to do some baking and crafting. I also pulled out all my old December Victoria Magazines today. I'm hoping with a bit of an overdose of their incredible eye candy I'll start humming carols in no time. :c) Here's a few of the pictures I've been drooling over
Now I have a question for you. What are the things that help get you into the Christmas frame of mind??
Have a wonderful day or evening my Bloglandian friends depending on what part of the world you are in. :c)
Hi Pattie
We have similar weather for Christmas - dry and hot - a lot of us Australians long for a cold, white Christmas so that we can really enjoy turkey and all the lovely hot baked foods.Instead we usually opt for seafood, or cold meats and salads.
Yes get your little friend over, get some Christmas music happening and start decorating. There is plenty of time so don't start worrying yet about BAH HUMBUG!!!
Patti, I get in the Christmas spirit by remembering all we have to be thankful for and how grateful I am for the special people God has put in my life.... What can I do for them ? Giving of myself ALWAYS brings JOY ! BLESSINGS to You .... Rowann
I've definitely felt the same way. I try to remember all the things I have to be thankful for and I thank God for everything. You'll be okay once you start puttering around and doing decorations, and baking. Take care.
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