Sunday, October 26, 2008

Home Sweet Home ;c}

Oh my gosh it is sooo wonderful to be home!!! I had such a wonderful visit with my kids and of course meeting my new little grand son Dylan was so amazing!!! I won't gush to much cuz I'm sure those of you that are grandparents know all the wonderful amazing feelings that one has when they first see the tiny face of their first grand baby :c} This is one of those times when those of you that are only parents can not begin to understand. Truly not to sound too elitist BUT the feelings are "way" different. I can remember all the emotions that played hop scotch in my body with the birth of my kids. There is just no way of expressing the feelings of seeing the miracle the child you had a hand in creating, created!! These are the times you wish the gift of poetry, whether words or music was one granted to you :c}

Okay so I've been tired oh I supposes a few times in my life ;c}, and I can honestly say I AM TIRED!! I now have a whole new respect for my daughter who spends her days moving at the speed of light!! I'm going to need a week of rest just to "fight my way out of a paper bag" :c} But I am proud to announce that both Ruby ( my tiny traveling comp.) and I could maintain a power shopper pace necessary to gather everything on my list. Of course Ruby won everyone who saw her so at any given time there would be all the store clerks surrounding her oooohing and aaaaahing :c}

I was able to stock up enough at Michael's, Joann's, and Home Fabric to keep me busy for quite awhile ;c} Course that's what I keep telling LW as the charges roll in ;c}

Actually that's not a true statement. I think LW has been much more supportive and indulging then I deserve!!! Sooo in conclusion the trip was more then successful!! And I can go another 2 years before returning to the Northlands IF and ONLY IF Dylan can convince his parents to bring him here to visit !! :c}

All kinds of things to share from my trip but I think that is for another day. For now I need a cup of tea, my rocker and the stack of Somerset's magazines I brought home. Oh so many beautiful ideas, and I with no plans for my days :c}

I hope all was well for all my friends in Bloglandia, need to catch up with all the going ons with you all also!!! Have a wonderful day or evening depending on what part of the world you are in :c}


Rustic Tarts said...

Welcome Home Pattie! Glad you had a great time but its always nice to be back home again.

The Feathered Nest said...

Hi sweet Pattie!! Sounds like a heavenly time ~ loving on new grandbabies, shopping at JoAnn's and Michael's...just don't get no better than that!! So glad you're home safe and sound with many memories in your pocket ~ enjoy resting and filling your mind with all the beautiful images from the magazines!!! ((((hugs to you!)))) xxoo, Dawn

Totsymae said...

Thanks for stopping to visit with me. I appreciate that my work does that for you. I have to say I like your Road Directions. It's a cool motto to live by.

Enjoy Mexico but I guess I don't have to tell you that :-)


Anonymous said...

what a sunset! That's true, you must have to stock up on those necesseties (sp? I am so bad)...well, there's always the internet too...

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