I thought I might do a little home recipe posting tonight. With a few of my tried and true all you can do with Elmer's glue, kiwi shoe wax etc.... You know when in a pinch substitutes you can whip up in your kitchen sorta thing. :)

But I think I will save it for next time. I have fun movies tonight Yeah!!! Yipeeee, Yaaa Hooo break out the pop corn, sodas, Junior Mints and Mike &Ikes!!!!

Oh but these aren't just any old movies I'll have you know. Our first feature tonight is guaranteed to make you giggle till... This one is courtesy of Lulu of Coastal Sisters my little Bloglandian sister. So go a head press the play button and giggle your heart out with this one :) Just remember to save some of your popcorn for the second feature! :)
Now for our second feature we have Dylan's mom and dad to thank. And by golly I think the apple doesn't fall to far from this papa's tree. Dylan's papa's nickname was Scooter. He earned this by perfecting the crawling method of pulling his leg up under him and then lunging forward. It was rather crude and there certainly was nothing aesthetically pleasing about the maneuver, but man could that kid move!! It appears that there is a Scooter II in the making!! Oh my gosh is this what they mean my payback??
Thank you guys you are the best Bloglandian friends, to let me share my grand baby pictures. And double thanks for all the "oh my gosh how cute" and "how adorable" LW and I have come to realize that there are a few draw backs here in Paradise. Only seeing our grand baby once a year is sure one! :( Thank goodness Dylan's mom and dad realize this and are so good about sending grand baby pictures!! :) And for the first time in Peder's life he remembers to call his mum every so often!!
Have a most audacious today or tomorrow my bloglandian family depending on where in the world you are ;)
Wow, little Scooter II really MOVES along, doesn't he? Bet he will walk early...but I don't know, when they can crawl that fast, sometimes they just stick with that for quite awhile...
Oh, I love double features! And I love that kitchen pic - priceless!
That Evian video is hysterical. You know my son did that same scooter type move. I'd forgotten. It definitely is not poetry in motion but effective and fun to watch. Sweet grand baby you've got there.
Oh my gosh! Dylan sure is getting around, they are so cute at that age. Gotta love babies! Love the old pictures you posted, I miss the drive in, that used to be such a great Summer activity.
Take care,
Tracy M.
how fun! I'm so glad that this was my first blog of the day - started out my Sunday with a hearty chuckle!
Thank you Pattie, I love that Evian clip ....how do they do that?!!!
Dylan is just as cute though.....
OMG, Dylan is growing like a weed! He is just adorable!
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