As y'all know there are ATCs, ACCs, ATVs ;) CNN ;) PMS ;) Well it seems that all you have to do is string 3 capital letters together and you have an acronym. So the one I have created is (though I'm pretty sure someone has already don it) RABs Random Acts of Beauty. :)
Let me "splain" I had heard of artists in different countries that create a little piece of beauty and then leave them some place public so they're found. Boy I thought that is so cool!! But then I got sorta busy with life and the idea sorta slipped into the great idea file in my "Little Gray Cells" Then the other day I received the new Winter issue of Somerset Life magazine :) (happy dance) and in it was an article titled "Heralds of Humanity" by Morgan McLaughlin. The article is about artists world wide creating a small piece of art with a message on it. Then quietly leaving in public areas so they can be found. You know it gives the finder a bit of nano-art to bring a smile to their face, a giggle, or just a nice warm fuzzy. Morgan focuses her article on Susanna Gordon and the "Winged Messengers" she creates and leaves around the city.

Ah ha there's that idea again. But now I have the time to do the creative things I want to do. Soooooo as I was getting ready for bed the other night I thought I can do this, Actually I want to do this. I did have one little problem though. This type of art for want of a better name has fallen into the "Guerrilla Art" umbrella. You know street art, graffiti etc. To many Guerrilla Art tends to have a negative connotation. That's when I came up with RABs Random Acts of Beauty. Sounds better don't ya think?? :)
Now what to do, Susanna draws an envelope with wings and prints a peppy phrase on it. "Smile someone is thinking about you" sorta thing. So as I was thinking I decided I needed to do it with recycle, reuse, in mind. Ahhhhhhh Haaaaa I live in Mazatlan Mexico the capital of Mexican Beer. You ever heard of Corona, Pacifico, Sol..... ?? It's all made here :) So the basis of my art piece is a... yep you got it a beer bottle cap. Which in case you want to know for Jeopardy is a 1 inch circle --inchies anyone. So I printed out sheets of a vintage letter and then inchies of masters art work, (you know how much I love "Mona") Although I can place what ever tickles my fancy when I'm making them. The one problem I could foresee was that the caps are mighty small,what if no one sees them?? I decided that Susanna's idea of the wings was perfect. So I made and glued a set of wings under the caps. Just a tad of glitter for good measure. Then I printed out words like Create, smile, dream, dance,imagine, give etc and glued them on one wing then on the other wing I glued the word today. Ahhhh but I live in a Spanish speaking country, so using English sorta defeats the purpose. How can it bring you a bit of joy if you don't know what it says. So Create Today became Crear Hoy.

LW and I put the first few together and headed for the Historical District this afternoon. As we walked along I would peal the backing off the adhesive tac on the back of the cap and stick it.. oh on a front door, pay phone, a carving of a monk, just were ever we thought they would be seen and be a gift to bring a smile to someones face :)

I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is way more fun then this middle aged woman has had in ages. Creating art has never felt this wonderful, and the best part is no one has any idea how, who, or when the little beer cap flew in!! :)
So here is a little challenge fellow Bloglandians take an afternoon create a few RABs nothing elaborate we aren't trying to be the next Monet. Then head out and stick your RABs where they can be found!! I promise you will come home with the biggest smile on your face, feel ten feet tall, and feel the worlds biggest warm fuzzy. :) If you do give this little Zen exercise a try come back and tell us how it went!! Let's start a movement RABs Forever!!

Scavenger Hunt: Dame Penniwig is doing a scavenger hunt. So head over to her blog: Dame Penniwig's and check out her prizes and get the first question. Oh and while you are there, check out all the cute graphics she has/is making that are free to the Bloglandian community :)
I think I'll close for now I have to make more winged bottle caps for tomorrow. Martha and I are going to lunch. So dear Bloglandian friends have a most audacious day or evening depending on where in the world you are ;)
I really love those bottlecap art pieces you are making! Good for you! I like your RAB acronym invention, too. Thanks for mentioning my Scavenger Hunt, I can't believe the number of people playing -- it's that January weather, everyone is stuck inside in the cold climes!
Now THAT made me smile!!!!
Love it
Those bottlecaps are wonderful Pattie! I would love to find one whilst walking in town.....what a great idea!
Linda :-)
Pattie!!! These are just wonderful! And what a wonderful name for them too...I love the way you made the idea your own ~ isn't the issue great?! It's my very favorite of all of their publications. Wishing you a wonderful rest of the week! xxoo, Dawn
oh what a FANTASTIC idea! You are soooooooo clever! Way to go!! i am going to have to think about it and do it too!! Hope you have an AWESOME day! :D
Pattie...you are just amazing. I love these little winged treasures! What a fabulous idea! I love the fact that LW went with you to spread the love :)
Pop by and visit soon big Sis!
Oh what a treat!
I love the little winged wonders.
I have bee saving unique bottle caps for years. My DH keeps asking, 'what are you going to do we these?" I now have the answer!!!! I think you have started something. Oh dear, here I go again. Gleefully Sharon
I am game for A RAB challenge. Yes, Yup bring it on. I think it will be oh so much fun. I love the wings. How else would they get there....Right! Sharon
You've given me quite a boost with your lovely idea, so thank you! Now where can I leave them when it rains? Lovely work and thanks for taking part in our challenge.
Rosie ABAA
Brilliant bottletops, love the wings, and your new grandchild looks just wonderful, Jaqi
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