For many of us who see and live life through art discovering this little corner of Bloglandia is an amazing gift. For me I found a place for the first time in my 53 years where everyone "gets it"!! In stead of being alone in a group I am now just one of the group. Notice I didn't say I'm just like everyone else or they are just like me?? Because that is part of what makes these friendships so very special and unique. We are not only excepted but encouraged to be ourselves. No matter that we tend to be a bit different, odd, unusual, eccentric, and even a little strange. I mean "it's not normal" to be able to hear colors, see music, or to find beauty in dirty junk, is it??? Ha well here in this little corner of Bloglandia it is normal :)

I, just like you all are constantly searching for ways to express my feelings and gratitude for the friends we have made and continue to make here in this little corner. When I found this little song my first thought was this is exactly what I have been trying in vain to express!!! This is soooo cool and I have to share it with you guys, my bloglandian family my kindred souls! :) So quick go fix a nice cup of something wonderful to sip on settle back and press play. Oh yeah you might want to keep the tissues close it like me you are able to smile at the same time your eyes are leaking :)
Nothing more to say except maybe to have a most audacious today or tomorrow depending on where in the world you are ;)
Ah, dearie, yr such a sweetie...
How's the humidity down there? It's been awful here. To go outside is to just get soaking wet (without pouring ice-water on yrself).
Patti, what can I say? That is beautiful hardly comes close. I too cherish the friendships we have here in bloglandia. And even more the individuals with shared "get it." Thank you so much for this post and being here!
A wonderful video Pattie, thank you for sharing that.......and your friendship.
Heres to you dear friend. I am so glad we found each other in the blogland. The fact that we all "get" each other is just the best!!! Laurie
oh...yes...fresh fruit and antiquing is GOING to happen.lol. Laurie
delightful post!!!
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