Here we are it's again the 7th of a month. This time February :) I had such a great time last month creating my entry for Gail's Mind Wide Open art challenge. Okay it was fun after I got past the small case of stage fright. :) So I decided I'd work on the challenge for this month.
I don't know where Gail finds these prints but they are always so beautiful and you can't help but want to do something with them. The prompt word this month was "Dream" In the last issue of Somerset Life was an article on taking old bottles and filling them with pearls, & decorating the outside of the bottles. I just so happen to have an old Liquor bottle from Spain. There is just a bit of gold filigree left on the neck, and it has a nice faceted stopper. The last time I was at the bead store I picked up some strings of large (1/2 inch) dark amber glass beads. I thought they would look really nice in the bottle. Then Gail's print showed up. So I cooked up this idea.

Remember (that's hypothetical) when every drugstore, Dentist, Barber, and anyone else would mix together things like cod liver oil in 90 proof alcohol and call it Aunt Gert's Spring Tonic?? I got to looking at the lady in the print and the bottle of beads and let my imagination out to play :) Suppose 999 years ago there was three lovely young sisters who just happened to be apprentice sorceresses. There old potions teacher gave them a homework assignment to create a magic potion. The three girls set their pot to boiling, threw in a bit of this and that and just a wee bit of baby fine frog fur. When the steam finally cleared what they had in the bottom of their pot was all these lovely amber color orbs. The oldest sister Faith said, "I know let's call these Faith's Dream Orbs!! Each orb contains one dream."
"No fair" says Ima Gine the 2nd sister Wwhy do you get to name it. Hurph... Ha well unless they sprinkle my sparkle spice on their orb all they will get is a good hot flash :)"
"No fair no fair" whines Bee Leave she's sister (yes you know) number 3. "Why do you guys always get to have all the fun... just cuz I'm the youngest?? Na na na na naaa there will be no dream until you dissolve Faith's orbs and Ima Gine's sparkle spice in MY tea !!!!
When the girls finally stopped bickering they found an old empty bottle of newt tails that worked perfect to hold the orbs. Then a tiny little bottle that had only one or two gnat eyelashes left in it for the sparkle spice. After poking around a bit they found an empty dust bunny pouch under a huge pile of "Somerset Sorcery" magazines ;) (well it could happen there is already over 30 different ones now) for the tea. A bit of paper, paints, pencils and before you know it they had their potion "merchandised", directions written and finally set their seal of guarantee, for 999 years :)
Imagine the smile on their faces because they had enough faith to believe that they soon would be giving up their training brooms for full fledged sorceress brooms :)

Be sure you take the time to wonder over to Mind Wide Open starting tomorrow {that's the 8th for the my side of Bloglandia and the 9th for the other side of Bloglandia ;) } to see all the entries for this month. Then leave a vote for your favorite before you leave.
Now I think it's time that my imagination and I, shall wonder off to read a bit before bedtime. Do have a most audacious day or evening my Bloglandian friends depending on where in the world you are ;)
so beautiful!!!
Take a peak at my aged vintage papier blog, we are having a vintage papier give-away!
BEAUTIFUL!! Thank you for sharing! :D Hope you have a FANTASTIC weekend!
Great idea!! I love the way it turned out, very unique.
Have a great day!
Tracy M.
This came out beautiful and I love the enchanting story to go with it. you've made my imagination spark and flare....I must have some vintage old bottles somewhere. I do have 2 odd shaped ones I bought new with the idea I could find a use....ah there it is...magic or some such thing. Definitely, that's it!
My Mom used to have to drink this icky stuff....long story what it was and what it was for...my a doctor discovered her illness and gave her this prescription which made a difference for a LONG time.....We took to calling it Doctor Robado's Magic Elixir. (No he didn't make it, it really is pharmacy purchased, but that's I how I saw it. And he didn't even need a wagon or a gimmick!
What a charming story!!! And the bottle came out great! Glad ye got over yer stage fright because you are really, really creative!
very very beautiful!
LOVE LOVE LOVE this bottle and the story.
P.S. I may need a new broom soon..I am starting to wear mine out and it's not even Halloweenie yet *snort*
LS and #2
How Fun!!!! We're you on your lovely beach when all this came to your mind?? At least we know that your Mind was Wide Open...You did a beautiful job!! laurie
These bottles are gorgeous!
Magic and Joy!
Oh my goodness what an imagination you have Pattie! Fabulous stuff!!!
Love Linda xx
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