Yep she did. And I for one am sooooooooo excited!! Back oh about 5 months ago when I was a freshly hatched blogger I was drifting through blogs one day and fell right into little Vanessa's Flights of Fantasy . I was having so much fun checking out all of her postings and even the buttons on her side bars. Well right there on her side bar she had the button for last years OWOH :) Well I had to find out what it was all about, so I put my little cursor on the button and pushed. The next thing I knew was being right in the middle of OWOHs blog. I was so excited as I read about the premise for and the reason Lisa had created OWOH :) I thought this would be the perfect way to have a chance to meet all kinds of new bloggers from all over the world. Surely I could find at least one or two Kindred Spirits to develop friendships with :)

AND you know what that is exactly what happen. I have met some of the most amazing women, actually the few men that participated are extremely remarkable. Many of them I could only dream of being as gifted!! But they were women I could establish friendships with and yes even a couple that have already become kindred spirits.

I consider, myself sooooooooo blessed and fortunate to have made some wonderful friends with amazing Bloglandian Sisters!! Strong, independent, talented, imaginative, caring women that believe there still is a bit of good in everyone and believe in magic :)
For me that was more then I could ever dream of finding anywhere but here in Bloglandia!! I'm so glad I stumbled into the Gypsy Caravan's path!!!
Oh Goodness I do rattle on, someone should have said something, jeez where are the kids with their "Okay Mom you're stalling out there!" when you need them ??
So yep it's true a Gypsy won my little hearts BUT not just any Gypsy!! She is actually the one!! The chauffeure the creator, the magical, Whimsical Bohemian herself!!!!!!!! Yippie Skippie, Hurrah, I Don't Believe it!!! But it's true my little made in Mexico hearts are going to live with Lisa Oceandreamerer Swifka !!!! The Whimsical Bohemian, The creator of One World One Heart!!!! Sometimes life can't get much more pleasing :)

Do my Bloglandian friends please have a most audacious day or evening depending on where in the world you are ;)
LOL - you sound so excited Pattie...and happy. Thanks for sharing your happiness with us all!
Big CONGRATS to the lucky winner!
Thank you for sharing this FUN! Have a BEAUTIFUL day and a very SPECIAL holiday! :)
*sigh* Ye and yer rose-colored glasses, dearie...WELL...congrats to the winner of yer lovely items! Have a Lucky Friday the 13th and a fun Valentine's!
This was such a fun event and you and your blog were one of the highlights. I will continue to read your blog and watch your adventures.
I am SOOOOOO excited!!!!!!! I am soooooo thrilled!!! YOU are the sweetest Pattie.....in fact YOU are the bigger prize here! :) - but I still can't wait to receive the goodies too;)
What a lovely post!!!
Lisa (KSS)
Oh how wonderful that Lisa won your goodies!!!!!! Fabu!!
Happy Valentine's BS,
LS & #2
First, I am jealous Lisa won! But she is deserving. She does a lot of work and she is the sweetest soul!
So I'm at Castle In The Air today (the store) and I introduce myself to Karina...who by the way is just as cute as she looks in photos! We're talking about blogging and she asks if I know Pattie? "No I don't think so", I say. She says,"Her blog is The Joy Of Nesting". "OH YEAH! I know her!" How funny we only know each other in blog land by our pseudo names!
Just to let you know your admired up here in Northern California!
Blessings on this Valentines Day,
Love your blog, but I am green with envy because you live in Matzalan. My husband and I were there a couple of years ago on a cruise. We took a taxi into the heart of the city, and it is quite unique. Lucky you....we have soooo much snow right now, and it's COLD.
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