Remember ages ago when I posted that I had signed up For Karla's of Karla's Cottage Valentine tag swap?? So I got all five made to mail off at the last day or two of Jan, so they would be there in time. We stuffed them and a return padded envelope into a nice big padded manila envelope took it up to Post & Ship blessed it and just to be sure rubbed my lucky faux rabbit foot over it :) And then I waited and waited and waited. I didn't give up hope mostly cuz I hadn't heard from Karla that she never received my tags. Some times we can send or receive mail within 8-10 days of mailing it. Sometimes it can take 2 weeks, and sometimes 3 weeks :( It kinda all depends on how the patron saint of custom agents is feeling :) Mail can also be opened and search at either or both borders. Our mail is carried up to Laredo once a week on Mondays. We can receive mail on MWF.
Finally on Friday all my patience payed off!! LW came back from the postal box with a padded manila envelope with our address printed on it in LW's hand writing, Woo Hoo :) But to make things even more special was this is the first swap I had ever tried doing!!! And boy am I feeling good about it. Even well planned out give aways can be stressful. You might have noticed I have passed my 100 posting and not done a give away ;( I'm not comfortable doing one until I know I have a "mule" that can carry it up to the States to mail it for me. Even when you think you have it all figured out it can go south. I thought I had my OWOH gift all figured out until the friend playing "mule" had to return to the States early :(
Jeez I think that's about all the whining I can tolerate tonight. Even paradise comes with a price. If this is the price for mine it's a darn small one to pay!! :)
Have a look at my Puppy Love Valentine tag book :)
Sooooooo how come all my pictuers are side ways tonight??? They were all right side up on the camera, and then when I downloaded them. So why now are they side ways?? Help just when I think I'm getting the hang of this some gremlin comes and pulls the rug out from under me!! :(
LW is up at friends condo watching the fireworks for Carnaval. I'm home pulling pup duty. So I better be signing off cuz when the noise starts I'm going to have 3 large dogs and two tiny ones all crammed under my desk ;( We do not like fire works. Ha and we live in a country that LOVES their fire works!!
Have a most audacious day or evening dear Bloglandians depending on where in the world you are ;)
Pattie, it's not your photos it's our computer screens that have turned on their sides....LOL
Your tag book is wonderful.
It appears your first swap was a terrific success!
I've done - well - LOTS - of swaps, and I still get excited knowing that mail art is going to be winging its way to my mailbox!
the tags look WONDERFUL! and that sounds like so much FUN too! :)
OH i finally figured a thing i can use for RABs!! clothespins! (bottlecaps are too hard to find! hehe) the wooden kind that pinch together, now i just gotta figure out HOW to decorate them! HAhaha! :)
Thank you for ALL that you share! Have an AWESOME day!
Such a pretty tag book from the swap!
One good thing about living where I do, in such a strict and humorless city -- no fireworks a-poppin' and terrorizing my animals. This is the first place I've lived with absolutely no sound of firecrackers.
Well you just had Christmas at your house, didn't you? Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
I wish I was there to toss back a couple and help you pup sit! I am good at that you know with the pack I have here. Tommy (the 100lb Labrodoodle) HATES loud noises and will poo in a heartbeat in the middle of whatever bed he can climb on if a storm brews up. We keep a careful eye on the weather so we will know when to barricade the bedrooms! Funny? Notsomuch :)
Happy Tuesday BS,
LS and #2
I went in and changed things around...the big empty box is where the photos go for my etsy...but I don't have anything in there..I dont know if I delete it, if I can get it back...I'll play around with etsy and see...Love the tags...Laurie
Hi Pattie, I waited six weeks for a package from France and believe me they really riffled through it. I am still working on my bottle caps. Are you still having fun with them? By the way go to my blog I gave you a mention. Smiles Sharon
So much fun Pattie.
Never done a swap myself but it seems like exactly the kind of thing to make an ordinary day feel like Christmas.
I used to do swaps but the deadline always made me twitch. For some reason a "have to" date doesn't always work for me to have something completed and in the mail. That's why I prefer sending things out of the blue or as a preplanned giveaway.
Swaps ARE fun though, these tags are fabulous.
I would be frustrated by the mail situation...probably because patience isn't my strong suite when I send something and it takes forever to get there. Funny, I am patient if it's coming TO me though. Go figure!
When I see your package arrive it will be worth the wait and for me like having a special day all to myself!
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