Happy 11th of Feb. !!! When I guess it's not really if you are still riding the Gypsy Caravan :( But like all good things the ride is pulling into the station. We are reaching the end of another grand journey :) I'm not sure how to ever thank Lisa for the creation of her magic tour!! I have had a chance to meet some wonderful bloggers and artist from all over the world. Bloglandians I might never have met any other way!! :)
Just thought you might like to know that the caravan pulls into my little station for the last time at 10pm Mountain Standard Time. Thank you so much for all of your visit, I'm truly amazed at the awesome amount of Bloglandians who have stopped by for a Howdy Do ! :)
I'll see ya here at 10:05 pm when LW draws the name of the winner :)
Addendum: The long awaited Jasmine oil has finally arrived. I finished the sachet last night and there is a picture of it posted down (down down down) at the end of this post along with pictures of the rest of the give away :)
Today is the first day of Lisa Swifka's brain child, One World One Heart. This is the third year for her world wide Bloglandian block party. I mean can you imagine Bloglandians from all over the world headed on a HUGE mobile block party! :) For me stumbling into Bloglandia has been a grand adventure!! It has been great fun discovering different blogs, making friends with people from everywhere. And the best part is discovering those very rare humans that become kindred spirits. Many of these friends I will only know through the internet, but none the less they have become a very important part of my life. :)
I have also discovered that one of the positive side benefits to playing here in Bloglandia is I have become if only minimally more proficient with this "dad burn contraption" !! Really I have! It still takes forever but I can do more then manipulate my mouse around my email and eBay ;) Now if I could just gain even a tiny bit of control of photoshop!!
So back to OWOH first you don't have to have a blog and you don't have to have a give away in order to go a visiting or to register for many of the give aways. As for my little give away it's open to all who would like to sign up. There is only one rule but for me it's a Jiyhugest one. Leave me a comment on this posting and when you do leave me a most definite way of contacting you if you are the winning visitor. Soooooo if you don't have a blog to link back to PLEASE leave me an email address, and don't sign with that guy anomamos's name :) Okay so that takes care of my give away what about the hundreds I do mean hundreds of other meet the Bloglandian and their give aways ?? Well for that all you need to do is head over to Lisa's special One World One Heart blog and she has the links to all the other participants. You can get there by pressing on her OWOH button right here :)

There isn't a big rush to have to cover all the blogs right away the block party lasts until February 12th when we will all draw the winner's name for our give aways. You can leave a comment on this posting any time between now and then to have your name thrown in the hat :) BUT (yeah I know there is always a but) you have to leave it on this post :) Ah but no worries there I promise to make it easy for you to navigate back here :) Now if you are a blogger and this is sounding like way to much fun to miss out on, head on over to Lisa's blog and register, there still is plenty of time!!
There is a clay wall hanging of the sacred heart. The heart in Mexico is a very spiritual image used in all types of art. The hearts are sighed by the artist. In fact everything I have put together is hand made by a Mexican artisan.
Let's see did I cover everything??? Yep I'm thinking I did...... Oh well I guess there is the matter of just what my little give away is <<< ;) >>>. Well in the spirit of the heart theme I have collected a couple of hearts and a few things that are truly Mexican.
There is a clay wall hanging of the sacred heart. The heart in Mexico is a very spiritual image used in all types of art. The hearts are sighed by the artist. In fact everything I have put together is hand made by a Mexican artisan.
I found this little hand made blank book, made out of handmade paper and hand stitched. It's stamped with one of Freida's images. She and Diego are considered two of Mexico's finest artists.
This is a small treasure/coin/whatnot purse. It's just the right size to stash those happy little finds you stumble on while out walking the dogs, cats, or rabbits, It is made with the inner shell of the coconut and stained with dye made from the pods used to make Jamaica juice.
There is a tiny little hand painted palm bark box and inside of it are atty bitty hand made worry dolls. They are made out of match sticks pieces of paper and scraps of cloth. The legend says that Mexican children are given these little boxes of worry dolls so that each night they place one doll under their pillow it then becomes the dolls job to worry about what ever is troubling the child.
There isn't a picture of it yet {there is now ;) }but there will also be a lovely heart shaped sachet made my ME :) I'm waiting on{finally came} the freshly distilled jasmine oil that will be at the market at the end of the week. When I get it put together I will post a picture of it also. {Look down} I made it out of a piece of vintage jacquard velvet The ribbon is vintage tatting, along with a piece of muslin printed with a line of music and the title of the piece "My Heart Sings" Then I attached an old gold & rhinestone musical clef. It can be hung by the tattered bit of ribbon at the top.
Soooooo there you have it. Have fun and be sure you visit as many new blogs as you can. It's a great way to meet wonderful people and you never know which ones will turn out to be a kindred spirit!!
I'm off to go "A calling", have a most audacious day or evening bloglandia depending on where in the world you are ;)
1 – 200 of 311 Newer› Newest»GORGEOUS!!!!! Please enter me in your drawing! I’ll be making my OWOH post later tonight..time got away from me!
The Bella Modiste
I'd love to enter.
Very cool! Yours is the first blog I have visited on the OHOW tour and I'm liking what I'm seeing. I'm fron Tennessee in the US. It's nice to meet you!!
Beautiful and such a thoughtful giveaway. I'd be honored to throw my name in for a chance to win.
Please feel free to drop by my blog as well if you're so inclined.
You have a fantastic giveaway! Please add my name to your list! And if you haven’t already, stop by my blog and enter my giveaway, too.
hello! your blog is just lovely! and your gifts are just so meaningful!!! please enter me! and stop by to visit my blog for my giveaway as well!!!
So pretty. Please add my name!
I'd love to have one of your treasures! :) Please include me in your drawing & come visit my blog to enter mine! Latharia{at}comcast{dot}net.
Cosas tan bellas. I will be back to thoroughly explore your lovely blog. Mucho gusto en conocerte.
Thanks for the giveaway!!!! Great blog!
Love the hearts. Please enter me and do stop by to enter mine
All so pretty but the hearts are just fabulous!! Please add my name to the list!
hammgood at yahoo dot com
clap! clap! clap! i think you are the first blogger from mexico today. hurray! hurray! your blog is wonderful. i especially enjoyed all the excellent quotes by so many fabulous strong women. and the prizes you selected are so great! i think it is very cool that you picked all handmade gifts from your country. cheers!
Oh, please enter me! I love everthing in your giveaway...very generous.
smelkoski at yahoo dot com
Please enter my name in your OWOH giveaway. And when you get a chance (if you haven't done so already), please stop by and enter mine as well. I'm #73 GOT ART?
I love ALL the items you have chosen to share!!
love your offerings!
Ooohh! I really like your giveaways! Please enter my name! Thanks!
These are wonderful gifts and would make anyone very happy to receive them. So count me in!
There you are!
Of course count me in - you are the whole reason I got into this fest in the first pace! It turns out that you have become a bit of a "Bloglandia" guide for me!
I found OWOH and many other treasures from your posts.
Best wishes,
What a lovely giveaway. Please count me in :)
These are absolutely gorgeous! I would be honored to be the recipient of any of these lovely prizes. Please enter me in your drawing.
Thanks- Letha
what a wonderful giveaway! I would be so happy to win anyone of your goodies! Nice to meet you! If you haven't already, come by and visit me, I have a giveaway ~ Rachael ~ roseroom@slingshot.co.nz
oh how pretty. would love to be entered in the drawing thanks for the opportunity. stop by and visit me as well when you get a chance.
Very nice giveaways!
beautiful website and beautiful giveaway.....
Oh wow love all Mexican things!!!! Please look at my blog to :O).
You have a wonderful blog!
My family has spent many wonderful vacations in Mexico...we just love it there. So happy you're living your dream.
What an AwEsOmE giveaway! Count me in, PLEASE!!!
And if you haven't done so already, please stop by my blog and check out my giveaway:
Such lovely little heart things! =)
Such beautiful pieces! Please enter me into your drawing.
I'm having a giveaway over at my place - stop on b and check it out!
WOW! How wonderful! You really have beautiful things that I would be thrilled to receive! Love your blog...the photos are amazing! I'll be visiting again soon! Thanks!
I'd love to win this. I love Frida. Stop by my blog please.
Halloo there me dear...not entering the giveaway part, just stopping by to admire yer blog. Very pretty hearts, what a rich red color they are! Wishing ye lots of fun in yer OWOH adventure.
Please enter me in the drawing.
Terry Spier
Please add me to your drawing.
Very nice giveaway. Please enter me in your giveaway. Thanks.
I'm in LOVE.... these are so cute. I want 'em.... Thank you for being so nice and having this giveaway..
all awesome!
this si a wonderful giveaway
robin krieger
This is such a wonderful and unique giveaway! I really love it!
jinglesells at gmail dot com
WOOHOO!! Count me in!! oh how WONDERFUL your giveaway goodies are!! Thank you so very much for this chance to win and for sharing such FUN!! Hope you have a BEAUTIFUL day!! :D
So creative and beautiful. Please add my name. Thank you and God Bless. Barb Cabot
GORGEOUS! Please enter me in your drawing and feel free to visit my blog
how wonderful! especially love the flaming hearts. i sure would like to win.
come over to my blog, i have listed a frida doll, you might like it:) i´, no 140 on lisa´s list.
Wow! These are beautiful!!! I would love to give them a new home!
kayceewilliams at gmail dot com
Absolutly gorgeous items! Thank you for sharing with us!
oooooooo love love love
I'd love to be a part of your drawing.
Please contact me by email.
Oh man, I really like those hearts. They're beautiful!
Please visit my blog and comment too.
I've got a handmade glass sculptural Valentine Pup to give away.
Simply gorgeous and straight from the heart.
I love those hearts! and everything else! Please enter me in your drawing!
Liisa from the snowy Sweden!
Amazing giving! Lovely!Please add me to your list of ant to be winners:
I would love Frida and these little hearts to come home to me.
Your giveaway is awesome! Please count me in!
I know I am too late, but thats ok, I love the beautiful hearts. I love the story on the match stick dolls, I have seen the dolls before and have wondered about them, why they were so tiny. Thank you for telling this wonderful story. I love to have one to give my worries to. I know you said for children, but aren't we all still children in our heart? Somewhere?
please add me! stop by and join my OWOH giveaway, too
What treasures you have assembled! I would love to enter!!
chris p
What a wonderful collection of goodies you are sharing! Please include me in the drawing. Thanks, Eva
What an exquisite collection you're giving away! Please count me in - It'd be such a pleasure to discover this!
wow lovely items!
please pop my name into your hat and then pop over and add your to mine :o)
Oh how beautiful! Mexico is a place I've dreamed of visiting for many years, so I'd love to own a little piece of Mexico! Please enter me in the draw, and if you haven't yet, hop over to my blog as I'm putting a giveaway together too :) www.bibscrap.blogspot.com
ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh! I'd love to be entered! (And I'd love to win!) :)
And please stop by my blog give-a-way!
very cool giveaway! love the little book especially!
Would love a chance to win. Please add my name to the list!
What a fabulous giveaway! Add me to you list!
What a great giveaway! I love the hearts! Thank you for allowing me to be apart of your giveaway. Happy OWOH 2009 to you.
Oh wow what a great giveaway! Don't forget to enter my giveaway also!
Have a great day!
those hearts are so pretty
please enter me in your drawing and if you get the chance stop by and enter my drawing at
carolyn h
Hola! I believe you and I are the only bloggers from Mexico! I love the hearts and I AM a heart person but will NOT enter the drawing so others can win the beauties from my wonderful country.
For some reason I am unable to read your entries though as they appear on my screen all the way to the left, could it be my computer? Non of the other blogs do that...
I will check back later on to see if I can read it.
Hasta luego!
I love Mexican Sacred Heart art. That wall hanging is gorgeous.
I am visiting you from ON, Canada :)
stop by my blog for a visit ANYTIME
hi Dawn, just popping by quickly to say thanks for your kind words on my blog. Well while I'm here you'd better enter me in your prize draw too!
This is a beautiful giveaway! Count me and I have to say that your new grandbaby is beyond precious!!!!!
Hello ~ I would Love the chance to be the lucky winner in your lovely and generous giveaway, so many gorgeous items.
Thank you!
You can find me at OWOH#122
What a fabulous giveaway. Please enter me.
hi, how very wonderful!!! and come on over to enter ours.
amazing!! I would love to be entered!!! thanks so much!
I love the hearts....they are my favorite! Beautiful :)
Did Mette ever get her earrings?
Little Sis
You selected some wonderful pieces for your generous giveaway, and I can't wait to see the one you created yourself. Please count me in, and if you haven't already, do come to my blog and enter my giveaway.
I am #21 on the Gypsy Caravan, and I am giving away a necklace.
I love the art! So beautiful!
Such a generous giveaway! thank you for this oportunity to win!
Tecu'Mish tclmunhake@verizon.net
what a fun giveaway.
Wow what memories you have triggered. You see I grew up in very southern Calif. Where I was surrounded by the kind of art you are giving. It leaves a warm spot in my heart as these people had such a closeness to God! God Bless and thanks for shareing. Please dont forget to visit my blog! God Bless you Marion
this is WONDERFUL,
thank you for the chance!
I love the giveaway! Please add my name to the giveaway. I really like your blog too.
Que Dios te Bendiga tambien
May God Bless you too
Beautiful pieces. Please enter me in the draw.
Thank you
Beautiful grandson
Lovely giveaway
Pleae add me to your list and if you would like please
join mine I am number 303
Such a great giveaway. Having lived in Mexico for 2 years, I can appreciate all the creative artisans that live there.
What a wonderful collection of goodies! I would be so delighted if I won your drawing. I have never been to Mexico myself, but my husband is "halfxican" (that's what he calls himself, anyway - his dad was from Mexico). Please count me in!
Please do feel free, too, to stop by my blog to enter my own OWOH giveaway!
Your hearts are lovely! What a great bunch o' giftee! I love your concept; It IS like a giant block party for bloglandians! It's sooooo totally cool! :)
I love your give-away...m..
I love your giveaway, and what a sweet grandson!
Thanks for including me in your giveaway!
Waxela (wa-shay-la)
I love your giveaway, and what a sweet grandson!
Thanks for including me in your giveaway!
Waxela (wa-shay-la)
What a beautiful blog you have! even if you don't always feel that you're in control of the computer, your personality still shines through in your writing and photos!
I also love the collection of art that you're offering for One World One Heart! Please enter my name for that as well.
Hope you can stop by and visit my blog at some point too! I've enjoyed yours!
beautiful gifts, and I love your site, please enter my name in your give-away
Kaerie Faerie
oh how i love hearts! your giveaways are beautiful!
count me in.
blessings from wilmington, nc
oh how i love hearts! your giveaways are beautiful!
count me in.
blessings from wilmington, nc
thanks for such a generous giveaway,love your blog :)
mel xx
OMGosh! I love this giveaway.
Please enter my name and don't forget to come by my blog and enter your name in my giveaway as well. Thanks. Kathy
Would love to be in this draw! I am participating too www.janinea.blogspot.com
What wonderful giveaway items. They are each so beautiful. Please enter me in your giveaway. Be sure to enter my giveaway (#357) as well. Thank you from Alaska.
~Vicki Priebe
Wish Grantor
Fabulous giveaway, please count me in. If you have time and have not yet done so, please visit my giveaway. Greetings from bonny Scotland
(Akindred spirit)
Oooo I love it all. I love the little story about the worry dolls!
you have a great blog..love the pic of your first grandson congratulations..great giveaway come and check out my alice fabric bag. I am no. 352
count me in!
I would love to enter your drawing. Thank you so much.
Such beautiful entries everywhere!
My first year participating in the OWOH event.
Thank you from the chilly Midwest!
Visit my blog too, Karen
lovely gifts! Please enter my name to be picked in your giveaway drawing.
Stop by and enter mine when you have time if you haven't done so yet.
What beautiful treasures you have! The colors are wonderful to look at. Please count me in and come for a visit if you have a chance!
Wonderful items. Please enter me.
Thank you for participating in this years event Patti. "Meeting' you through this is precisely what this is all about....finding new people.
Your giveaway is chock full of wonderful things and I love how it's all Mexico related. From the hearts to the worry dolls.....fabulous!
If you haven't stopped by yet do come by giveaway as well.
Lisa Swifka
OWOH host/participant
Wonderful! Please enter my name. I am participating in OWOH also and would love for you to stop by. # 223 :-)
love it!!!
thanks for playing
Wonderful giveaways...I would love to have any of these treasures in my home...please enter my name :)
I love the photo of your Grandson on your sidebar.
Please come by and visit Mo'a Participant #9
love your offerings. you are so generous. those hearts are wonderful
Please enter me in your give away. Then make sure you stop over at my blog and enter my give away.
wow such a wonderful collection of stuff!! My mom gave me worry dolls as a child, I loved them.
Please enter me.
All your gifts are created from the heart! Much beauty is displayed here!
I would jump for joy to win something the day after my 20th anniversary!
I have never been to this event before and I am amazed at the generosity. I am particularly moved by some of the comments that are so heartfelt.
This has really inspired me to be more creative and to blog more. I have enjoyed meeting you and getting in touch with your blog.
Please enter me, Hugs:)
Such beautiful and wonderful things. Ah, mi corazon, muchas gracias.
The Mexican treasures would be lovely with the lovely handmade tiles that my son brought from Mexico. I try to plant flowers from Mexico in my garden during the summer months. The red hearts, worry dolls, and more...have a spirit of the sunny, warm land and people.
What a gorgeous giveaways!Please enter me in the draw.
And if you haven't done so already, please stop by my blog and check out my giveaway:)
What a delightful blog! Glad you got thru that heap of livin to bring you to this place. A pleasure to meet you! I'm going to be a first time grandma in June too! Such excitement! This is a wonderful giveaway. Please enter me and visit my blog too!
Great blog and lovely give-aways! Please include me in your drawing.
I am also participating in this wonderful event! http://quiltmoose.blogspot.com/
Please stop by if you haven't already.
Greetings from Germany,
What great gifts you have selected!
I loved your post on your neighbors' reaction to our election. The oath heard around the world...
If you have time, please stop by. I'm number 351 on the OWOH page.
What a wonderful giveaway! Please do enter my name. I'm having so much fun traveling the OWOH road! I'm marveling over all the wonderfully talented artists around the globe. I do hope you pop on over to my blog to visit my OWOH giveaway!
What a lovely group of prizes. Please add my name to your draw.
Such lovely treasures!!!
Please enter my name!
and if you get a chance, please enter my drawing!
How wonderful. The best part of this for me is seeing things unique to each country I visit. Your items are fantastic. Please count me in and come stop my blog to check out my giveaway too!
Hi Pattie,
thank you so much for your kind comment.Your giveaway is wonderful! I would love to enter! Have a great sunday! :o)
Hello from Northern Alberta Canada. Browsed your blog. Love your work. As for your giveaways, please enter my name in your draw. Thanks.
Those Mexican items are gorgeous, please enter me in your giveaway! Your blog photos are beautiful, and congratulations on the 1st Grandbaby!! :D
What a fun way to spend a chilly Sunday afternoon - visiting the blogs of tons of talented artists and making new friends along the way.
Please include me in your owoh giveaway and pop by my blog to see mine.
lovely little giveaways, thank you.
such a beautiful blog and wonderful offerings.
I hope you will visit my blog if you have not already
Your OWOH givaway is so precious! I have bookmarked your blog as a favorite so I can visit often! I especially enjoyed reading about your RAB'S!!! It has inspired me to do something similar! Love, Emily. XOXOXO
Please enter my name, then stop by to enter my giveaway, too. ;)
cox_cchs AT hotmail DOT com
What a beautiful giveaway! Count me in!
Stunning hearts! And the cloth book is amazing! I would love to be the lucky winner! Please add my name to your drawing! Then come on over and enter my OWOH Giveaway too!
What a fun giveaway!!!
Hearts hearts and more hearts. Lovely giveaway count me in, thanks
First let me say, your grandbaby is beautiful. I always notice babies lately as we are expecting a new grandbaby this year too!
I love your giveaway...so sweet...and heart just right for Valentines! Please enter me.
very cool give aways. please enter me. thanks.
Please enter me, my hubby is from Guatemala and I have a collection of Mexican/Central American art items in my living room! I would love to add these as well!
micaela6955 at msn dot com
Such a treasure of lovely trinkets. I was thinking that with all the heart themed gifts being given away, I may just start a collection of hearts of my own...they are so lovely. THanks for allowing anyone to enter.
Way cool OWOH giveaway and I hope one comes to my house. Thanks for sharing. Colleen
Lovely giveaway! I hope you'll check out mine, #211, if you haven't already.
So many lovely things! Please enter me in your drawing.
wonderful stuff! please include me in your drawing =) OWOH #433
I too want to retire early!!! Enyoy every minute of it, and congratulations on your grandbaby!
Please enter my name in the fabulous giveaway!
Please enter my name in the beautiful give away and feel free to enter my drawing as well.
Such amazingly beautiful gifts-thank you! Please count me in.
How wonderful! Your gifts are precious and I would be honored to enter your drawing! Hugs, Carol
Wow what a great giveaway, I love it all. I would love to be entered in your drawing. My email address is:
Pasfan2000 at hotmail dot com
Please stop by my blog and enter my giveaway. I think you'll be surprised by what you see. A little hint: you'll recognize it. :)
I'm taken by your lifestyle. I too will be back!
'running with scissors'
and the RED project IS a great mentoring program!!!
So nice to find you and your blog!
Your Offerings are lovely and I would love to be entered in your drawing ~ please stop by and enter my OWOH drawing too!
Many Blessings,
wow! great prizes! please come enter my giveaway too!
connie williams
What an incredible giveaway. The hearts are perfect and the Frieda book is beautiful.
Please stop by my blog and enter my giveaway also.
hfsolutions at juno dot com
I love your gifts!!!
Please enter me in and come visit our new gallery and blog #470, Rusted Wings! You'll love our Frida give-away!!!
What a great gifts from Mexico you have. There are all beautifully made.
The hearts are beautiful! And I love the book! Thank you so much for the chance!
i love worry dolls... i remember learning to tie my shoes and using like 10 of them!!
buenos dias!
awesome, muchas gracias, robin
Please enter me into the draw and don't forget to head on over to my OWOH giveaway to enter mine!
Beautiful blog. Beautiful giveaways. Please enter me in the drawing and be sure to enter mine. I'm #434 on the caravan. ddsellers@hotmail.com
I'm adding you to my favorites - the best part of OWOH, finding new blogs!
I love them all! Thanks for the chance to win! southerner@aol.com
Lovely! Please enter me in.
Way cool, please count me in! Thanks,
schiley70 at hotmail dot com
love your work, would be so fortunate and lucky to win! xo tressa
I have been enjoying your pretty blog!! I am so happy to stop by again:)
Hi Pattie...what a gorgeous prize you are offering...so unique and precious, please count me in. The journal looks fabulous BTW...as does Annalisa!
Hola! Such gorgeous things you are offering...Please put me in for the draw. Love the pics of your grandy.
Hugs Naomi
Such wonderful items, please include me in your giveaway. Thanks Karen
These hearts are fabulous! and I love your little book! (I used to sleep with worry dolls under my pillow)I've never been to Mexico -- but I hope to go some day! (I'm in canada -- it must be much warmer there than it is here today!)Please enter me into your draw -- thank you so much! I'm off now to look at the rest of your blog :)
OOOOOOH! Want, want, want!!!What fun! Please sign me up for your giveaway!
OOOOOOH! Want, want, want!!!What fun! Please sign me up for your giveaway!
OOOOOOH! Want, want, want!!!What fun! Please sign me up for your giveaway!
What a generous and wonderful giveaway! I live in the "frozen North-Canada" and would love to win a bit of Mexican warmth!
Carol :)
Please enter my name in your drawing. I haven't been to Mexico for several years now and I am really missing it!
Please enter me in your drawing.
My email: breathofart@aol.com
Don't forget to stop by and enter my giveaway! I am #208. www.breathofart.blogspot.com
Thanks! I'll be back!
Wow these are neat. You've really got some nice work here! I'm crossing fingers and toes...:-)
You can also see my post if you're interested:
These look so gorgeous. They'd be a wonderful thing to have to show my little boys real Mexican cultural items *and* they're beautiful too! Wish me luck :)
How pretty! Please add me!
The prize is a beautiful interesting assortment. Sure to please.
What a beautiful blog! And I love your giveaway items, too, so please enter me in your drawings.
I love your items!
Please enter me in your drawing & then stop by my site to enter mine!
OWOH #640
wow...such beautiful items...please enter me into your draw!...
thank you
Trouble dolls haven't seen them since I was young. Vicki Page thepages@charter.net
Thank you for the great giveaway. Please enter me in the drawing.
What generous giveaway. Please count me in and if you haven't visited my blog yet, make sure to stop by to enter my giveaway. Thanks!
These are such wonderful prizes and oh-so-appropriate for the OWOH event. I would love to be entered for a chance to win and thank you so much!
OWOH participant #514
beautiful! please enter me
olwyn - OWOH 620
I'd love to enter your giveaway!
ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca
I would love to have these Mexican treasures.
I am #89 if you would like to stop by.
So many goodies! I'm really enjoying discovering all these new places to land. So much fun! Be sure to stop by my blog and enter your name. #730
I would SO excited to win your give-away!!! I am pretty much the biggest Frida Kahlo fan ever, and I have a wall that is dedicated to her in my home... I'd love to add your beautiful creations to it! My fingers are crossed! :) Please enter me into your drawing, and thank you for giving me the chance to win some of your beautiful creations!
If you haven't already, please feel free to stop by my blog and enter my give-away as well! (www.shariyahgarner.blogspot.com)
Peace & Love (and hugs)
(I'm #1 on the list) :)
Wow!.. I love it all! What a generousity!!... Thank you so much for the chance to win, dear you!...
I'm into cardmaking myself - and have a blog candy with Christmas stamps and papers + some other cardmaking stuff, these days. You're welcome to enter, if you like and if it should be of any interest to you! :) Hugs, Hege - in the northern part of Norway
oo! wow and wow and another WOW!!!
Enter me in your drawing -- PLEASE! :-)
Have a Great OWOH Blog-Hop!
"Suse Bee"
Oooooh...how happy I would be to win one of your fabulous giveaways! Please stop by and enter my giveaway too!
I would love to be entered into your draw please
Britt Australia
So cute! Please enter me in the drawing!
Pirjo from Finland
I just love things from other cultures ,please enter my name (#574)
Yes please, I would love to have my name added for your giveaway:-) Thank you! My oldest son got married in Mexico a couple of years ago and they love it there!! xo
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