Actually JP was extremely happy with her medical care and I was really impressed with the care she received. They were able to place pins in to stabilize her shoulder, now it's up to her and her bones for the healing process.
We used a very small 20 bed hospital where JP had all the care from a staff that was not understaffed and overwhelmed!! Mexico is still a culture where family is depended on to assist in the patient's care. In fact all the rooms are equipped with day beds so that a family member can sleep comfortably during the night. Because Dr's must repay their medical education with 2 years of service there was a physician on site 24 hours!!!
I have always felt comfortable with the level of medical care here in Mazatlan and Mexico, now having experienced it first hand I would have no problem remaining in Mexico for any medical care :) I some cases Mexico is far more innovated the the US. One area is pain relief. Opium drugs are very seldom used so they have developed alternatives which actually work better without the side effects morphine, and codeines have.
I'm thinking a little seista is in order so I'll try to do a bit of a posting this evening. Please have a most audacious today or tomorrow depending on where in world you are ;)
PS. Please take the reports on the Swine Flu news about Mexico with a grain of salt. Remember that although 100 people have died with symptoms of the flu that is a very very small percentage of the population of Mexico City. Mexico City is the most populated city in the world, with 29+ million, people just in the metropolitan area. We are very comfortable with the precautions the government has and is taking. They are extremely prepared to handle many outbreaks that other countries US included are not. Actually WHO (the World Health Organisation) has been very impressed with the way the country was prepared and is handling this outbreak!!
glad that all progressed smoothly ... and I just may have to steal that nurse duo pic to use sometime. LOL
Glad the bone was able to be pinned and here's hoping the healing will go well, too.
I feel so bad for those who died in Mexico from the swine flu. It seems to be targeting the younger set, just like the terrible flu of 1918-19...
Glad to hear things are going well. Thanks for your thoughts on the swine flu. It is all over the news here, and naturally we are a little concerned. Sounds like everything is in hand though.
So glad JP is better and on the mend, and some not too bad news of the flu. Take care,
Tracy M.
Patti, I've been out of touch with you for awhile now. Sorry, just never enough time in 24 hours. But today I couldn't stop thinking about you and hoping all was well. The reporters are having a hay day with the flu thing..... I just new you would have a terrific outlook. Take care though, you are special people and want you happy , healthy and wise. I am still trying to find the right wings for my beer caps. DH thinks I'll get arrested for litering. Ha fat chance. It's art. LOL I will try to keep in touch more often. Sharon
i am sooo glad things went smoothly for your friend! :) Have a FANTASTIC day! :)
I am so glad that things went well for Jackie. See, all that good chi everyone was sending helped :)
My follow up for my knee is tomorrow (it's been 4 weeks) and it's now getting worse. Bleh!!!!!
Pappa Kellogg is here from Florida and will be here until June 1 so it's hard having a house guest and hobbling around. I need to go to a facility to recoup!!
Love to you and LW and the fur babies,
Hi Pattie
Glad things are progressing along smoothly. Yes I have been thinking about you with all the reports on the Swine Flu, so it was good to read about your view on it. I laughed the other night on the news, they said not to be concerned yet about it and yet they devoted the first half of the news service to just that topic!
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