I really had to grit my teeth to made this necklace with some of my much hoarded Chiapas Amber. Ya'al know it's much easier for a true hoarder to rationalize hanging on to our stash, then to convince ourselves to willingly part with it! But it was time to return a bit of my stash to the public world. I can do this as long as I don't think to hard how this amazing eternally beautiful and millenniums old gems can't possibly be as appreciated as much as I do? Do you think their new owner will be amazed at how warm it is to the touch, not cold like stone? Will they see the delicate colorings, along with each one being it's own original creation, like finger prints?? When they hold it will they feel all the positive energy this simple millions of years old piece of nature carries?? "Nope" huh I agree with you, but if I continue to hoard it how will they ever find out?? I just have to hope that I have done the amber's beauty justice with the necklace I created with it. It took a couple of alterations to the vision, but I'm pleased with the results.
I suspended the amber nuggets with 24gage sterling wire in the center of the links of large polished pewter chain.
For the back half I used both sterling and pewter beads. With little heishi amber beads, between them. On one side I joined the two ends together with a little vintage hand carved bone tortoise.

On the other side I made a sterling hook closure. Then added 2 little fish Milagros. Helena said that now when people come into the shop to see new pieces, the milagros are how they identify them as mine! :) Cool I only have ohhh maybe 1400+- milagros left! And if by some slim chance I run out in my life time I know where to get more. ;)
Of all the different ways to use or "string" the amber, I really like when I'm able to "suspend" it like these. The link tends to frame the amber sorta like a frame around a master piece painting. And in my mind's eye, amber is one heck of an incredible master piece. I will confess that my personal taste is for the silver to have a lovely patina, however I learned early that "patina" hasn't quite caught on here. But I keep trying by slipping in a bit of patina here and there. :)
Well there it is, how one hoarder managed to let go of some of her well loved stash. Shhhhhh Not to worry I have it on good authority that we'll have a chance to replenish our stashes before to long, Whew ;)
I did get a couple of pictures of the earrings I made before all of them were gone. I'll get them downloaded and posted in the next couple of days. Ohhhhh and the pictures of the decorations for "Carneval"!! They are really great this year!
Until them, have a most audacious art filled day, no matter where in the world you are p;)
Lovely way to show off those incredible amber beads!
Can't wait to see the earrings and the Carnival decorations.
And what was that you whispered? Another expedition to restock the amber stash?!! Tell me more!
Those amber beads are so beautiful. I love them also and hoard the ones I still have!!
I will take lots of pics in Florida and will post when I return next week!!!
Love to you, LW and the Babies of Fur!
LS, The Commander, #2 and our Babies!
Thanks so much for dropping by...I really enjoyed your post and your right about needing smaller fingers!
I LOVE LOVE wire bird nests! I've made a few around here as well but using the smaller gauge wire.
I really love the magazines you've been published in! Altered anything is too fun :)
I added you to my drawing...and again...I appreciate your kind comments!
I will add you to my blog roll so I can find you again when I'm sipping my coffee and reading ;)
Love it!!!! Counting down-3 weeks from tomorrow we'll be in your lovely city. DIL is out of her mind with excitement. Especially since winter will not ease its icy grip here in Montana.
Oh, I thought I was the only one. I have some truly expensive lampwork glass that I adore and figure NO ONE will pay what it will take me to charge. But who knows?
But I still hate to hand over any of my hard-won stash!
Oh, I think you did the amber justice alright!
Love how you wired it in those big chain links---really cool!
And I know what you mean---I have a couple necklaces that sit in my case that I CANNOT part with.
At least not yet..........;-)
Oh!! to part with a good stash is the HARDEST thing to do!!! Very nice.
We had some snow happening around here, its been since the 1920's. Just beautiful, makes me feel like we're getting a bit of winter
Pattie, it's been too long...sorry I've been away.
What a joy to find your beautiful necklace today, featuring such a creative way to suspend your amber between the links! You are creating such a name and "label" for yourself with the milagros! Good thing you have over 1,000 left...better get busy, that's a whole lot of jewelry to make! :-) And there's now doubt you'd sell it all too!
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