Oh My Gosh!!!! What a awesome welcome you all have given me!!! Thank you all so very much :c} Can you hear LW in the background saying "I told you there wasn't anything to stress about"?? I know you all were there once. "What if this is a total embarrassing bomb?? I'll have to change my name, move out of the neighborhood, dye my hair, shop for groceries at night." The citizens of Bloglandia pointing their finger and say Oh poor thing she tries but she is just oh so bor..... well you know" But you gals have been the best friends a Newbie could ever hope for!!! ;c}
In fact I think this calls for a House Warming Give Away
But this is going to need a bit of logistic pondering. Mexico has many wonderful thing however their Mail service isn't one of them. I mean you know there might be a problem when even the Government won't use it:c} So it means finding a (as we lovingly refer to them) "Mule" who will carry the package back north and mail it from there. Hmmm as Mr. Holmes would say I think this is a "two pipe problem". Stay tuned I'll keep ya posted.
Now how about an explanation of the title? There are tons of foreign (insert mostly US) fast food restaurants in Mexico, with more opening everyday. In fact by Jan. Mazatlan will be the lucky new home of 4 yep 4 Starbucks. But here fast food is expensive.
For most families the mid day meal we call lunch is their large meal of the day. The meal the WHOLE family is at, the one that Mom has been preparing since mid morning. The "lunch" break starts around 1pm and last at least 1-2 hours. Yep that's for everyone not just the boss with the 2 martini lunch!! So what's a mother to do if she can't spend all morning cooking?? Well she orders take out from one of the women in the neighborhood who is subsidizing her family's income by cooking a bit extra, boxing it up and selling it. In our neighborhood that woman is Tadeo's wife, who we call La Senora. Tadeo's family has the Modelo beer store on our street. So in the morning you place your order with him to be picked up between 1&3.
Tadeo and LW have become good friends They teach each other the little nuances in their native languages. So on the mornings we plan on ordering take out we check La Senora's menu and decide we do have a hankering. LW places our order when he and Tadeo get together. Along about 1ish (that's Mexican time) they aren't so anal about exact time here, it's not part of their culture, LW wanders up the street picks up our meals and drags them home. I keep telling him we need to borrow one of the store's shopping carts, but I haven't convinced him yet :c} Today was Chiles Rellenos de Queso en Salsa Rosa ( 2 green peppers stuffed with cheese &potatoes in a red sauce) YUM Along with that you get a serving of Mexican Rice, a serving of beans, half a dozen fresh made tortillas, and a bottle of fresh fruit juice. 
Now you see why LW needs a cart to get these home!!!! There is a real need for a Siesta after this meal :c} La Senora will apologies every time you order because she has to charge so much to make any profit at all. What does she charge, you ask?? She charges $35(pesos) that's less the $3.20!!! Yup less then what a big Mac cost. Which by the way cost about $7.50 here!!
(I just wouldn't feel right if I didn't also say that for the majority of the population of Mexico a $35 (peso) meal is a huge expense. The average daily income is $50 (pesos) less then 5 dollars a day and that is for a 12-14 hour day!!!)
Oops I think I can hear LW telling me it's time to put my toys away, tell all my friends good night, tomorrow is another day !! Oh but I hate to go inside just when I'm getting settled in to my new digs!! :c}
Yumm! I think that is what I want to eat tonight but alas nothing like that around here!
So what hours do children go to school there, if they all have lunch together? I like the idea of a siesta.....
Good luck with your giveaway, I tried giving something away today and no-one wants it...LOL! But we will be doing a proper one real soon too.
Hi Christina,
All the schools have 2 sessions a day. That's starts in pre school-all the way up to university. Here family come first, last, and always!! And I don't think there exsits another culture where "Mom" is more loved!!
Pattie :c}
Pattie, your blog is lovely! Good work! You have inspired me... now, maybe I'll actually get around to finishing the blog I started twice in the last two years!
Ladies, everything Pattie has told you is 'right on tack'... I share Pattie's love of this country and culture with her... and often, lunch in one of our favorite restaurants! I'm lucky to live, as do Pattie & LW, amongst the wonderful Mexican families of our adopted city!
Good luck with your new blogging adventure, Pattie... now, I need to get my act together, too! God Bless... and, see you mañana! Lee
I really enjoyed your post today great pictures too!!
The plus side is I am getting to know Mexico !!
Take care
that meal sounds so good, and I don't even like Mexican food generally.
I wanted to wish you luck with your blog, its addictive!!!
Gill in Canada
Hola Pattie, encontré tu blog en el blog de Karla cottage, y estoy encantada de ir conociendo tu visión de México, un país con tanta historia fascinante. Yo lo visité hace cinco años y sueño con volver allí. Saludos desde Chile,
María Elena
my moth is watering....i would love to be able to order lunch from la senora....
i think it is wonderful what you have done....sold your things and followed your dreams to a beautiful new homeland...with a beautiful culture.....i will certainly come back and see how your nesting is going....i found you from your comment on nita's blog and thought it was such kind and wise advice...just thought i would stop by...and you are doing a wonderful job with your blog...congratulations and keep it up!
Hello! Nice to meet you! Color me jealous...I have been learning spanish from my neighbors in Ky. and just know you are having a blast in that culture. How about this blog culture? It is a blast too! I'm saving you to favorites so I'll check and see if you are having a daily fiesta! Tu gusta camerones a la plancha?
oh yummm. My hubbies favorite mexican dish!! Laurie
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