Monday, July 12, 2010

"A Little Help From My Sisters" Vestita

It's my turn to head to the "Northlands" this month. In fact my little plane will be leaving in 2 YIKES weeks!!! I got a tell ya LW and I decided that these separate vacations are just not for us!! :( But at the time it was the only solution we could come up with in order to care for Tali. When we lost Tali last month it was just to late to try to change plans. Sooooo here we are taking separate trips for the first and hopefully the last time.

The jean jacket up there is one I brought down with me. Ha besides being way on the big side these days, we don't have enough cold days to wear them. Therefore it became fair game to upcycled,downcycle,deconstruct,reconstruct,recycle,reuse,remake,alter, heck who knows these days what the current buzz word is?? I had already pirated most of the buttons. Actually I used one of the front plackards and sleeves to make Deryn's Altered Egos vestita.

After I sold another vestita right out of my closet, I thought I'd make myself a denim and lace vestita.
Instead of using one of the plackards this time I used the waist band. and strips of denim. Now my thought is that if I used some very precious,one of a kind pieces in the construction, I wouldn't be able to to sell it "right off my back" :) One of the things Deryn sent in her little box of stash was a bag of vintage rhinestone earrings. Perfect I'd use them on the front because what's a vestita without a bit of shiny sparkles, I ask ya??
These are perfect, nice and chunky and the blue is the perfect shade of denim. I also used some of the tiny and ever so beautiful beautiful hand tatted lace that Renate sent me from Germany. 
Pretty smart don't ya think??? I mean there is just no way I'm going to let go of this vestita. Not with the awesome kindred sisters' gifts on it. This has now become one of my most prized possessions!!!On the back I placed a kinda tie back like vests have.
 Then secured it with a quirky nicely vintage rhinestone pin. Also in the bag of rhinestones Deryn sent.
Now I'm looking forward to a nice long relationship with this little piece!!

Yikes only two weeks before I leave!!!! I better get a move on I have more irons in the fire then a 12 legged octopus!!

Have a most audacious art filled today, no matter where in the world you are    p;)


  1. Whoohoo! It looks fantastic! More! Love what you are doing!!!

  2. Looks great Pattie!
    We sometimes have to take our holidays separately and although it's not the ideal situation it makes the heart grow fonder!!! and we are able to check out the things we really want to check out, without having to consider the other's likes & dislikes!

  3. That's a gorgeous little vest! Love it! I'm pretty sure that's not hand tatted lace but if you'd like to learn more about what hand tatted lace looks like when you have more time just hop over to my blog anytime! :D It's all about the hand tatted lace there!
    ~TattingChic ♥


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