Thursday, July 08, 2010

A Few New Amber Ear Bobs

Now you might be asking yourself just how the picture of Renate's mended heart has anything to do with amber ear bobs. Yes?? Well it does in a some what logical although rather convoluted way. I have this most precious gift sitting on my desk as I wait for the creative divine vision to strike. Also on top of my desk under the protective glass is this great print by Story People artist Brian Andreas The title is "No Words". LW and I  bought it on one of our first trips together. I was taking pictures of the earrings with the print as the back ground when one of those serendipity moments hit. I thought to myself "you know Rennie's heart says it all without uttering a word!" So I had to take a picture to share :) In fact I think I might put it over on the right column along with The Velveteen Rabbit.

Okay moving on to a few finished pieces shall we? First pair is amber with small faceted green tourmaline rondelles. I used copper and sterling wire to wrap and fabricate the hooks.
The second set of amber earrings is made with small amber heishi beads and garnets. I love the way amber and garnets complement each other. Besides they both whisper all things romantic and feminine (without any pink ruffle fru fru!)!! I used sterling wire on these
The third pair I had a bit of fun playing with some copper wire. :) I finished them of with little aquamarine,iolite,carnelian,&citrine heishi beads.
The last pair I did a bit more wire bending with copper & silver wire. Finished with turquoise and coral, two stones that always scream summer time fun to me.
I thought I'd try a few bracelets at the store. I know when it gets stinkin hot and humid here, I can't talk myself into wearing anything around my neck. But a cute light weight bracelet is different. So I used only wire and a few stones to keep things light and cool. Nothing heavy or overbearing. The first one is some more copper wire, since I hadn't done enough wire bending. You know once you start bending wire you sorta get into a zen type zone and it hard to stop. Know what I mean??  Amber and garnets are the stones
The second bracelet is copper and silver wire with turquoise and amber stones.
The last bracelet I actually made for my little girl :) With her so far away I can't really send her many "just because" gifts. So I tend to set little pieces aside to give her when we do see each other. I wanted to give her something made with the amber. Like her mum she isn't much for girly girl fru fru, but she has a very feminine, romantic soul! I used 20gage sterling wire a central piece of amber with a tiny unfaceted emerald heishi on each side. I'm really pleased with the way it turned out. I sure hope she likes it too.
And so kids that's all I have for now. I'm a couple of snaps away from a vestita with a bit of attitude. I'll show you the finished piece next time. Until then please have an audacious art filled day no matter where in the world you are   p;)


  1. Hi Patti, I've been absent from the blogging world lately! Miss everyone. Your creations are lovely. I just love that amber. Renate's heart is too precious. Take care, big hug, Riki

  2. Hermanita!
    Such precious pieces you are creating! Love that wire work on the bracelets - those bangles are so fun and could be worn in threes and fours... Great work! Can't wait to see what you will come up with for your next Art Walk...
    (thank you for loving my mended heart!)

  3. Love that mended heart and your copper creations are fabulous. Looks like you are having lots of fun creating.

  4. *beaming* I am so proud of my BS! These are all so lovely!

    Love to you, LW and the Babies of Fur,
    LS, The Commander, The Furbabies and #2

  5. Lovely to combine the amber with garnet and turquoise! I agree, once you start bending wire it does become a little addictive. Silver and copper are one of my faves.

  6. Well, how could she not like that cute, cute bracelet?!?!?

    All of your creations are just awesome!

    Love how you played with all the wire!

    Wish I could come play with you and your wire, but I would just die in all the heat and humidity...

  7. Divine creations! I love what you have done with the amber. Delicious! :)

  8. What a treat to receive all of those goodies from your dear art sisters, Deryn and Renate! I can see how you would treasure Renate's mended heart - it is an amazing piece. So nice to see what you've been doing with the amber! The earrings are gorgeous (and the earwires just perfect), and those wire wrapped bangles are so fun!


I'm so glad you could stop by to spend a bit of time in my little corner of Bloglandia!! Please come by again soon! Friends are always welcome p;)