Saturday, June 20, 2009

Hurricane What Hurricane?????

Just a fast drop and run. Yesterday's nice light morning rain blew in as a tropical 3 hurricane!!! :(

LW and I will head down to the beach with the camera. Pictures and story at the 8pm news.

Until, then have a most audacious today or tomorrow depending on where in the world you are ;)


Olde Dame Penniwig said...

I grew up mainly in New Orleans and Destin and yes, we were crazy enough to have "hurricane parties" and go down to the beach!!! Can't wait to see the pictures you get! Plus, be sure you beachcomb during/after the storm, because all sorts of cool stuff can wash up!!! Maybe some things for your art projects!

Tracy M. said...

Whoa, Be careful out there!
Have fun,
Tracy M.

LuLu Kellogg said...

YIKES!!!!!! We just had a tonado touch down about 30 minutes from where we live this afternoon. This is some wacky weather we are having. One day it's 90 and the next day it's 70...just like us, the weather can't make up it's mind!

Happy Date Night!
LS, The Commander and the Fur Babies xoxo

Miss Muggins said...

Be careful Aunt Pattie!

Beth said...

ha, had a tornado last night! siren were going off and i didnt even wake up for it!

sharon said...

Hang in there with that weather Patti!! It makes for great photography, but be safe!! Hope you found some treasures!

hagagården said...

Whoa, be carefull.
Have a nice day!!

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