Thursday, October 22, 2009

Last Hurricane of The Season?? Maybe...

Well we made it through another Tropical storm/hurricane :) This one went by the name Rick. By the time he finally did come ashore he was downgraded from a category 5 to a 2+ with gust of wind at 150 mph. :( The picture above is at the sea wall that's about 8 blocks from the house. Although there was quite a bit of wind damage and flooding in parts of the city our little pocket came through unscathed!! :) This is a good thing because if you remember the Tropical Storm at the beginning of the season is when the huge pine tree across the street met the ground and the neighbor's van hood with it's face!!

The storm did take out the power grid for the city :( Some parts had power restored by late afternoon. It was about 10pm before ours came back on. Fifty trucks and about 1500 extra power co. employees from the state where sent in to help restore power. In all honesty LW and I are always so impress with the quick, & efficient way the power company always responds to a power issue. They are always here within 30 minutes of it being called in and they stay until they have power restored!! If a part has to be ordered they will rig something to work until they can get the part here and installed.

Since I was without power which means no sewing yesterday I finished up a couple of now power necessary projects. I'll get pictures tomorrow and post them. BUT I now have to make of for lost sewing time Let me tell ya who is playing in the Pay it Forward and then it's back to "garment district" for me!

Although I'm going to have to be rigging a bit of a multitasking machine together if any more projects are placed on my plate!! :)

OKAY the three Bloglandians I'm really looking forward to playing Paying it Forward with are Sharon of SharDon Exclusives , Leslie of Bei Mondi and Little Veronique of Narrative Jewelry Wooo Hooo, please email your mailing addresses little sisters. It'll be fun to have a few projects to look forward to starting when we get back from our visit to the Northlands and the excitment of the wedding :)

Hmmm you think I could rig my sewing machine up to the stove and get it to finish shopping????? Worth a try maybe?? ahhhhh maybe NOT!!!!!

Have a most audacious today or tomorrow depending on where in the world you are p;)


  1. Glad to hear you're ok. I'll keep my fingers crossed for no more storms for the season. Thanks for including me in on the "Pay it Forward".

  2. Glad to hear you are safe and well, sisterfriend! I was worrying about you! Multitasking maschine is a nice thought - I'm not so impressed with the sewing-babyrocking-churningcream-arrangement though. I mean, how often do you have to churn cream and rock the baby at the same time? And what if you are doing a complicated sewing project and then you have to get the butter out before it melts... But in your case, how about rigging one of those old sewing maschines up to create electricity when the power is down?

  3. I was worried about you when I heard about Rick. I kept saying to my husband, "I hope the chihuahuas are okay!" He just gave me a look. "What about the PEOPLE???"

    "Oh yes, them too!" know Charli and Rubi have my heart...

  4. Nice to read you Pattie, difficult to imagine the power of hurricane, for us, european, we can see it on TV, but when you are under...:-(

    I am very proud you looked forward to me to play paying it forward and i'll send you my email address.

    Have a beautiful day Pattie,


  5. Thank you so much for your kind comment on my post about Natasha's clever challenge giveaway. It was so much fun to do. My email address is I will look forward to hearing from you and excited that my name was chosen to be on your Pay it forward list. I have never done anything like this so you will have to walk me through this first
    Thank you again for your sweet comment. And Thank God you are safe and sound. I wish I had known you before I gave away my peddle sewing machine...rats...maybe someone else could find you one that really works like mine did..sorry about that.

  6. Patti, I am so glad you are okay, and that you had no damage from Rick. We have people in our part of the world still trying to overcome Ike! It was a real bugger!

  7. Hi BS!

    So glad you and LW and the furbabies are ok. The weather here is NASTY...rainy, windy and balmy. Triple ickola!

    Tonight is date night, right? If so, you and LW have a great night out!


  8. Glad you made it through the storm. What do you guys do when there is no power, you cant go outside? Does your food last ok? I got your package sent off...did I tell you that? I sent it last week.


I'm so glad you could stop by to spend a bit of time in my little corner of Bloglandia!! Please come by again soon! Friends are always welcome p;)