The other day, well it might have been longer then the other day, but it wasn't all that long ago that's for sure :) Renate (Put a Little Magic in Your Life) my ever so gifted Bloglandian sister in Germany sponsored a Pay it Forward award. Well I suppose it's not really an award in the true sense of the word, but it is the only "award pass it along" that I love to pass on!! When Renate passed it on her rules were the first 5 comments that wanted to play would be "it", and they accepted the challenge to pay it forward on their blogs. She would send us a token of friendship and we in turn send our tokens of friendship. She also said it didn't need to be elaborate, expensive or even made by you. It's just a little "I'm glad you are in my world"
Now I'm going to pass my pay it forward challenge along. But I need to adapt a couple of things. First Renate didn't say there was any time limit. This is good especially for bloglandians like me. So I'm not putting any time limits on mine. But I do know that it will be after the holidays before I can get started, and they will all be delivered within 12 months from now! :) The other change is I need to change the 5 posters to pass it along, to three. Y'all know how much I love trying to get parcels out of here, Yes? Well I'm not sure if I promise 5 parcels in a year I will be able to deliver, but I have done 3 pay it forwards before so I know that's doable. :) I HATE making promises I might not be able to keep.
How about it my fellow Bloglandians (that includes any silent readers out there if there are any) come play with me. It's such a simple way to put a huge smile on someones face, and make their day :) So if you're thinking yeah I'll play then leave me a note in the postings. If you want to pass on this all together fun filled game that's okay too. Then just leave me a hello-how are you comment. Cuz like you, comments always make my day, along with putting a spring in my step. :) The first 3 that want to play the game will be my pay it forward partners. And it that's YOU be sure to post your pay it forward challenge on your blog in the relative near future! (please) :)
Back to my little art corner for me, as for you my Bloglandian family: Have a most audacious today or tomorrow depending on where in the world you are. p;)
Hmmmm it seems I've been as clear as mud explaining the game. Sooooooooooo let me try again. Renate posted on her blog a call for friends to "pay it forward" I said pick me pick me :) She did :) Sooooo now Renate will send me a small token of Bloglandian friendship. She can make it if she likes but doesn't have to. When I agree to play I agreed to pay it forward. SOOOOO if you would like to play leave me a note in your comments. Then sometime in the next year I will send you a token of Bloglandian friendship :) Now all you have to do is get excited about little surprises. You also need to post a call to play on your blog. Those friends that want to play are the ones you then send a friendship token to. And so the process just keeps rolling along. Now do you understand, yes????
I am very interested in your pay it forward. I am not sure how it works but I am willing to learn if someone will walk me through it for the first time. I am always creating things and a few need good homes. Let me know how it works and you can count on me.
Well Pattie, not sure i understood everything ;-) but just to say a "bonjour" from France to my bloglandian sister from Mexico, and put a smile on her face.
I see you already have your three players! What fun! I'm playing along with Renate's "pay it forward" also. I love your blog and your vintage pictures are so cute.