Thursday, June 11, 2009

Stop The Presses... A Lovely Bead Give Away

Just a quick note because this is to good to get away!! The Silver Parrot has been doing a bit of spring cleaning. She has decided to have a give away with some of her left over stash. If you are into bead stashing or just like to collect stash you might like to head over there and enter :) HERE: Silver Parrot

Will try to get back to Bloglandia this evening with a wonderful gift i received all the way from Australia and a couple of project pictures :)

Until then Have a most audacious today or tomorrow depending on where in the world you are ;)


  1. Well it can't be my present you are talking about, as I haven't sent it yet!!!! But I was lying in bed this morning thinking about it.
    Thinking is like being half way

  2. Love your Mouse gift! How is life in paradise? :)


I'm so glad you could stop by to spend a bit of time in my little corner of Bloglandia!! Please come by again soon! Friends are always welcome p;)