Friday, October 17, 2008

An Afternoon at the Beach

For us the beach, sitting quietly watching the waves, reading, shell hunting, playing in the surf, and walking hand in hand, is how we remind ourselves what is important and what isn't in life. The beach we go to most often is an 8 block walk. Mazatlan is one of the very few beach communities in Mexico where all of it's beaches are accesable to the public. There is around 13 miles of beach. It starts at Olas Altos, the original beach front for the historical city. It stretches along and changes names as it goes, until it reaches the northern end of town which is now called the Golden Zone. It is where all the resorts and beachfront condos have been built. So it stands to reason that the tourist tend to populate the beaches infront of the resorts. That's fine with us cuz that leaves a whole lot of miles to the locals.

During the week days those in between beaches are very quiet, no I mean VERY QUIET!! Many days we are the only two sitting on the beach. On Saturdays and late afternoons it tend to be a bit more populated. On Sundays these beaches can get somewhat busy. Remember Mexico works on a six day work week so many families after church will pack up Grandma and all the kids and head to the beach for a day. Often having their Sunday dinner there.

Built right on the beach are these little palapas that sell seafood, beer and cold drinks. Some of these palapas have had the same little restaurant in them for years. Others are more like "musical palapas" you never know who has it or if anyone does. It's sorta like waking up one day saying I think I want to have a sea food palapa let's go see what ones are empty. When you find one you build a fire in the grill fill the ice chest with beer and you now have a sea food resaurant. What you think I'm kidding?? You see no one knows who owns these little shacks, The city, the state or the federal government. No one wants the mess of trying to regulate them but everyone would love to be the ones to charge rent. For years they have been arguing in court. The city says they belong to them the state says nope they belong to the state then the feds remind everyone that Mexican law says the beaches are owned by the Mexican people not individual groups. Well then of course they must belong to the feds. So year after year they go round and round. In the mean time these little palapas are there for who ever wants to have their own little sea food restaurant. I'm telling you it could be one sweet deal!! No rent, no taxes, no long term contracts heck not any kind of contract. I keep telling LW we should stake one out and take it over the next time it's empty. But so far he just keeps shaking his head, rolling his eyes and saying ARE YOU CRAZY??? And on second thought he could be right ;c}

Have a good day or evening Bloglandians depending on what part of the world you live in :c}


  1. Wow, this really sounds interesting. I mean being able to have a beach setting to vend and not be taxed, etc. Maybe you should go for it, or at least try it for a bit. You have the life of Riley. Enjoy yourself. Have a great weekend.

  2. Oh lucky are you!! And here we are, just stepping into Autumn, boo!!!
    To solve your blog problem...go to edit posts, get back to this one, click at the very bottom of your post and keep pressing backspace. The gap should keep getting smaller!
    Love Linda


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